Oakland Stock

The next Oakland Stock is November 13th 2016! Get ready to hear from artist Amy Ho about her work as the last Oakland Stock winner.


Call for Proposals & Diners
Come eat a lovely meal, meet your community, vote on and support artist projects, and have a swell time.
Sunday, November 13th, 6pm-8:30pm
Humanist Hall, 390 27th St, Oakland, CA 94612
Artist Deadline- Sunday, November 6th, 11:59 pm

Tickets- right here!

Cost- $15-$25 sliding scale. All profits go to the winning artist.


Mariana’s Babushka’s Borscht

Creamy Root Vegetable (vegan)

plus Hearty salad, artisan bread & dessert

Chefs + Hosts: Lexa Walsh & the Oakland Stock Team

Who’s Invited: You are! Soup lovers, artists and those interested in supporting them.

Oakland Stock is part of the Sunday Soup network, supporting artists’ projects one bowl of soup at a time. Diners pay a small dinner fee, feast on a gourmet meal, and listen to artists propose new projects that need funding. The diners vote on their favorite project to support and the winning artist takes the money to use for her/his work. The winner presents their project’s progress at the next meal. Sometimes success in the art world seems pretty random. Oakland Stock offers an opportunity for community members to support the cultural production they find important through Food, Funding, Feedback, & Followup.

Apply as a LOCAL (Bay Area) ARTIST or PROJECT- It’s easy!:
Submit a simple proposal following the directions
below to oaklandstock@gmail.com
The first 6 proposals that meet the requirements (below) will be included in the running. Please be prepared to pitch your project with a brief Powerpoint presentation (assembled by Stock staff with your application materials). If funded, you will be responsible for making a presentation to the Oakland Stock community regarding your progress on this project at the next Stock dinner (date TBD). 

Artist Deadline- Sunday, November 6th, 11:59 pm.
 These guidelines let us know that you know how to present your project to the public.
1. Name of Project
2. Briefly (100 words) describe what your project is
3. Briefly (200 words) describe the cultural, historical, aesthetic, etc. context of your project. Why is this work important here and now?
4. What will you do with the winnings? i.e. “I will buy editing time at the local video lab…”, etc.
5. Write a brief slogan for your project to make it memorable to the audience electorate!
6. 3 images (as individual jpegs, 72 dpi, no larger than 1000 pixels in any direction)


Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?
Street parking

What can/can’t I bring to the event?
If you are over 21, you are welcome to bring wine/beer

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?
Yes- please let the organizer know at least 24 hours in advance
, however tickets are non-refundable

April 24th Oakland Stock Contenders are..

Nanci Armstrong-Temple    PEACE Out Loud Camp

PEACE Out Loud is Peace Education and Arts Creation-for Everyone!  We use social permaculture principles to sow seeds, arts, peace and justice in our neighborhoods.


Sarah Farahat   In-Between Here and There: A Picnic for Mixed-Race* Women

A Picnic Between Here and There


Bonfire Makers    PLACE to LAND (an oakland love story)

What do you want Oakland to look like in 10 years? And are you willing to fight for it?


Amy Ho    Spaces From Yesterday

The spaces from yesterday give strength today.


Packard Jennings    Mindfulness Meditation for Protest Situations

Police need to calm the fuck down


Shaghayegh Cyrous    Fair Trade Klozar Designs

Be different, be colorful, be a part of history!

TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oakland-stock-tickets-22534128184

Oakland Stock: April 24

Oakland Stock: April 24 Call for Proposals & Diners

Come eat a lovely meal, meet your community, vote on and support artist projects, and have a swell time.

Sunday, April 24, 6pm-8:30pm

Humanist Hall, 390 27th St, Oakland, CA 94612

Artist Deadline- Sunday, April 17, 11:59 pm



Tickets- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oakland-stock-tickets-22534128184

Cost- $15-$25 sliding scale
Menu: Soup, of course! Hearty salad, artisan bread & dessert will accompany the meal.
Chefs + Hosts: Lexa Walsh & Maggie Lawson
Who’s Invited: You are! Soup lovers, artists and those interested in supporting them.

Oakland Stock is part of the Sunday Soup network, supporting artists’ projects one bowl of soup at a time. Diners pay a small dinner fee, feast on a gourmet meal, and listen to artists propose new projects that need funding. The diners vote on their favorite project to support and the winning artist takes the money to use for her/his work. The winner presents their project’s progress at the next meal. Sometimes success in the art world seems pretty random.
Oakland Stock offers an opportunity for community members to support the cultural production they find important through Food, Funding, Feedback, & Followup.


Apply as a LOCAL (Bay Area) ARTIST or PROJECT- It’s easy!:

Submit a simple proposal following the directions
below to oaklandstock@gmail.com

*The first 6 proposals that meet the requirements (below) will be included in the running*. Please be prepared to pitch your project with a brief Powerpoint presentation (assembled by Stock staff with your application materials). If funded, you will be responsible for making a presentation to the Oakland Stock community regarding your progress on this project at the next Stock dinner (date TBD).

*This round, we are giving preference to projects accepted by or related to Open Engagement 2016. www.openengagement.info

Artist Deadline- Sunday, April 17, 11:59 pm.
These guidelines let us know that you know how to present your project to the public.

1. Name of Project

2. Briefly (100 words) describe what your project is

3. Briefly (200 words) describe the cultural, historical, aesthetic, etc. context of your project. Why is this work important here and now?

4. What will you do with the winnings? i.e. “I will buy editing time at the local video lab…”, etc.

5. Write a brief slogan for your project to make it memorable to the audience electorate!

6. 3 images (as individual jpegs, 72 dpi, no larger than 1000 pixels in any direction